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The Edibles with Farless and Closure at the 7th St. Saloon and Cafe (02-09-02)

Thanks to everyone who came out . This was one of the funnest shows that we have had yet.

Our good buddies Closure opened up the show. They put on a good set. I enjoy playing shows with other three piece bands. ( I am still not used to the fact that Todd plays drums now.) Anyway, they rocked. We played second for once. Jessie (from Closure) was cool enough to let me use his amp. It rocked ( less shit for me to carry). This has to be the funnest show we have played yet. The crowd was great. A cat fight actually broke out during the middle of our set. Brandon got to watch the whole thing. Jarad and I weren't paying attention (too into the music.) We were playing one of our new songs called Song for a new world, which is this "depressing", droning melodic number. Someone actually had to come up on stage and tell us what was going on (thank you Aaron). I looked up and noticed that everyone was missing. So we stopped the song to view the "argument", but it was already over. Damn it..... I always miss the goood stuff. But anyway the set was great. Take a peak at the pics of the show. My pal B.J. let me 'borrow' this kick ass hat, there is a picture of it. GIVE ME THE DAMN HAT. I want the hat. So Farless wound up headlinig. I was a bit surprised when I saw them. I was expecting them to sound different I guess, considering they used to be Esoteric. Surprised, pleasently surprised. ( Brandon described them as kinda a Mike Watt sound. )They were pretty damn good. A lot of people hung out to hear them , which was real cool. I know how much it sucks to be last band sometimes. Anyway the show was a smashing success , all three bands had a wonderful crowd (thanks in part to a missprint in the Loafer which said that Omega Tribe was playing. Thanks Loafer !! ) and fun was had by all.

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