Does the end justify the means? It remains to be seen. Can high volume and reverb compensate for a very, very bad name? Evidently so. A peculiar irony was created when two local yokels formed the scum-rock trio, SwizzleStick. Two years after a series of  low paying, poorly attended shows, many Bristol, TN rock 'n' roll dumbasses still inquire: "when is SwizzleStick playin' again?"  Never  motherfucker!
You see, friend, the two jack-offs that were the creative heart and soul of this now infamous band have formed a political/musical coalition whose creedo has yet to be established, but  will certainly address the general shittiness of the current trend in our manufactured musical culture. Yes, it's the age-old battle.
Their recruit in this joke? An even more confused guy from an equally misunderstood/disliked band. For four years the loose morals and uneasy politics of Plastic Applicator displeased and generally irritated Triangle, NC music lovers, a band whose fan base consisted of the two people in Chapel Hill who didn't adore Superchunk.  Plastic Applicator collapsed under the weight of apathy, alcohol, and a complete lack of cash.
Rest assured, The Edibles have lived and they have learned. Never again will the mission or agenda be compromised for anything other than sex, money,or status. Someone must carry the flag of mistrust and loose, loose rock music. It might as well be them.


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