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December 28 @ The American Legion Bristol, TN w/ The American Plague/Blue Light Casualties/Ikkabod/The Complications & Ballistic.

Even despite the last minute cancellations by Kackistocracy, We March, and Bomb Threat , the show was awesome. There was a good turn out and fun seemed to be had by all. I won't review the entire show {that would take a lot of time} so here is the short version. The Complications = rocked , Ballistic = rocked (loved every second of it) , Ikkabod = rocked , The American Plague + fire = ROCKED ASS (I thought the fireball at the end of the set was going to catch the place on fire.) , BLC = rocked (as usual) and we had a Hell of a show. I didn't think that the crowd { mainly consisting of young punk rockers} would like us too much , but damn was I surprised. The crowd reaction was wonderful, and I would like to thank all of you for that. We had one of our best shows yet. The end of our set was where it got really interesting. During the end of the last song I had managed to rip my cables out of my effects pedal. After noticing that I had no sound coming from my amp, I somehow turned around a kicked it over (later realizing that I had broken off a few knobs.) After this, the song was over and mayhem ensued. Seeing that I had dismantled my equipment Jared began to kick his drums over. Before Jarad had a chance Brandon leapt ontop of his set and demolished it, guitar still in hand. As I was drinking my beer quietly , Jarad blindsided me and tackled me shoulder first into the stage. Being the seasoned pro that I am, I managed to save my beer from spilling everywhere. So overall , the show was great. Damage done at end of our set : broken bass amp, {still usable, minor damage} broken snare stand, bent hardware, sore shoulder ( as well as other body parts) and a couple drops of my beer spilled. For a more detailed review click here.

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